"In order to stay on your empowered life path and become your own leading lady, you must remove all exit signs."

Daran Grimm, Author of 'Become Your Own Leading Lady, Seven Stages of Leading An Empowered Life'

As a mentor Daran loves to support women by helping them envision and take steps toward the careers they desire as entrepreneurs. She has help hundreds of women over her 30 years in the industry of Direct Sales and Home Businesses.
Daran offers a combination of roles. 

Her favorite is as a role model – She offers insight on how she “made it” in the industry and they can too. 

As a mentor Daran loves to coach and help a protégée learn new skills and practice new behaviors. She shows them how to be an expert in their field without any experience.

Daran enjoys advising by sharing her professional wisdom, critiquing performances, and making suggestions. Daran has made the promise "I will help protect my protégées find new and challenging opportunities within the industry while protecting them from adverse companies and 'dead-end' opportunities."

Daran offers wonderful support – She listens with a sympathetic ear, explains unwritten rules, and acknowledges disappointments and how to turn them into triumphs. She keeps them inspired with her "Pearls of Wisdom" and daily motivations. She teaches them how to "Believe in Themselves" and gives them 7 Action steps to empower themselves.

Women who are mentored by Daran are less likely to leave the Company they are self employed with because Daran gets them up to speed on how to create a Legacy and a wonderful residual income for their future. 

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
— Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Daran devotes her time to inspiring women worldwide to truly flourish on all levels by giving them empowering steps to take and by living by example.

Daran wants to empower women to follow their passion and be their own boss. She loves to mentor them and show them how to be able to work from home and create extra income or a full time income online.  “There is nothing more  rewarding as to make women realize that they are worthwhile and give them the tools and confidence to it” 

Daran believes in self improvement “You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees pretty light when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter. You need to believe in yourself!.  Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, is a moment of your life thrown away. Don't throw even one of your moments away, start taking baby steps to better yourself and get on track. You have to take the time in doing the empowering steps to be whole and complete in yourself. …to become your own Leading Lady of your life.  No one can give you that.